Special Features

Creative Conversations - Andrew Bailey



Perhaps the greatest thing about being a filmmaker is the chance to work with and get to know all kinds of people. Collaboration is how films go from being a vague idea in someone’s head to a real thing you can watch on screen. Writers need people to workshop their scripts, directors need producers and crew to get things done and, of course, you need actors to bring your characters to life. So unless your passion is making films about birds on your own - and hey, live your dream - we all need people to help us along the way. My guest for this week's Creative Conversation is my good friend, and brother from another mother, Andrew Bailey. We've been making movies together for the last decade, so there was no shortage of things to talk about including our struggle to collaborate when we first met, how we helped drive each other while making short films and where we see ourselves in the future. We talked primarily about Andrew's short film "Disposable" (trailer: https://youtu.be/O-jqoN