Me Being Me

E1 Parker Singing You The Theme Song (and sharing its birth)



There's "Selfishness", and then there's "Extreme Self Care". Extreme Self Care is the answer you've been searching for that will change your life forever, starting now.  Let these lyrics sink in while I play the piano and sing you this song I wrote "Wanna Be"  You can be who you wanna be. In the mirror you can see who you wanna see.This is me just sayin what I wanna say. This is my just playin how I wanna play. When you get caught in a thought and you're feelin blue, Take a minute listen to the voice inside of you. I'm in your newsfeed feedin you a little truthand tellin you you can do anything you wanna do.  Just vibe with me while you get a useful powerful distinction that allows you to see something you aren't seeing about the importance of Extreme Self Care and how you can follow my example and be whover it is you'd like to be. If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.