Me Being Me

E4 Occurrence with an Amazing Person



As I have grown up, I have realize my inner critic was preventing me from taking big leaps in my life.  Do you have that voice?In the past, podcasts or online videos occurred to me as scary, I would start to procrastinate, judge myself or let that inner critic win. Guess What? I am done letting my inner critic win. I meet someone; an amazing person who is very human and makes it easy for me, and others, to be themselves around her. I want to demonstrate that you can have this same relationship.You have the power of awareness on how someone or a situation occurs to you.  Changing the way these podcasts occur to me, lets the real ME out. I am having fun. This experience has shown me my actual purpose again, as well as how to make goals in your life effortless and easy. Do not wait your whole life for experiencing your own amazing occurrence.If you ever want to talk more, you can reach me at or Instagram.