Me Being Me

E10 Momentum Mindset from a 7 year old boy



Ten! Can you believe it! Here is my tenth podcast.  If you have been along this journey, there was a bit of break in the publishing timeline.  I have made a strong promise to myself and commitement to truly be Me Being Me.  It has been a long time.Do you remember how pure, perfect and abundantly you saw the world when you were a seven year old? It is right before you learn about conditioning and you make key decisions about stories. I remember it was the first time I was in any type of selling situation - not like the door to door aggressively I was doing a few years back.  Every been approached by someone selling something and their energy and vibe is off. Yep, that was me. I knew I was going to be told no before I even spoke. It lead me to a path where maybe some of you have been before, "there is something wrong with me." Finally, I had a few sales, but I did not feel right.  I had been given a dopamine gift. You're clear about your intent, super clear about your intent, why you want it and why you deserve