Me Being Me

E34 Wise People Learn From Mistakes of Others



Early in my career, I had the exceptional opportunity and experience to work with Adam Schanz.  Basically, I had the world's best door to door salesman shadowing me or should I say I was shadowing him. On that first door, I could feel Adam behind me, nudging me to take that stronger stance.  Before I could even think about which was the next house, Adam was already knocking on that door.As I watched and listened to Adam, it was clear on who he was being.  Over the course of those hours, not every door was a sale.  During these conversations, he was so willing to confront people on the saying "smart people learn from their own mistakes while wise people learn from the mistakes of others."Be wise and join me at or Instagram. to learn more after listening to this podcast.  I am curious to hear what you have learned to be wiser and You Being You.Love P