Me Being Me

E37 Why Slow is the Fastest Way to BE What YOU Want To Be



My journey has taken me back from Texas, back to my home of Utah.  As you have listened, you know I had learned a lot and found many hidden gems working on my sales process. There is ONE thing I've noticed is that whenever I'm in the presence of truth or I'm learning some concept that's true, there's always a paradoxical opposite in it.To be a great and amazing leader that makes a difference you also must at the same time make no darn bit of difference at all.  Yes, I said a leader who never will make a difference. The other factor to pay attention as a leader, is to perspective. You can talk to your mom, your friend, and your sister and all three will say something different about this very podcast. Here is the lesson. I, nor you, can allow our certainty to come from how others see the world, how they think about the world or for that matter us.  To learn this lesson, to use my “ladder” process and to help you find the gems, you cannot cut corners to find the answers. I have learned and am living a new gospe