Me Being Me

E38 Practice Loving THIS Moment



I could say who is Parker? Who is Jenn? Who is Chase? Who is [insert your name]?What if who you really are at your essence and your total essence is nothing except this present moment, this moment right now, right here.  You are not your past. You are not your future. You are the awareness of this moment that allows you to connect at extremely deep levels with other people.Join me today as I talk about how you can start to Practice Loving This Moment. Once you have listened, for the next 24 hours, I want you to bring that same unconditional loving acceptance to everything inside and outside of your body.  It is not going to be easy. It could be really challenging.  For those of you who accept this call to action, reach out to me at,  Instagram  or email / text to let me know about your experience. Remember I am sharing my journey of Me Being Me and at this moment, I am grateful you decided to join me.