Me Being Me

E41 Sometimes It Feels Like The Journey is Backwards



The most frustrating part about any journey from Point A to Point B is when you look up and it feels like you are moving backwards. Notice I said FEEL. It appears that you are turned around and are not heading where you need to go.  This week that is how I felt and for a moment it was my perspective.  I would describe it as coming up out of a valley, not being able to see that Point B, on a switchback trail to find myself staring back at where I started. I am sure you have felt that in your career or life as well. It did not feel like your current income matched the known value you could provide to others.In that moment, slow down but do not stop.  For me, I kept walking on that switchback trail, my perspective is changing as the path is now taking me in to a new direction higher up that mountain to Point B.  Remember this journey of Me Being Me is one where I am falling in love with the uncertainty of growth.  I know pain and discomfort are associated with great growth. On today's podcast I want to hit home