Me Being Me

E44 Ever called BS on Your Ego?



If you have ever flown on a plane, the flight attendant will always tell you to put the oxygen mask on first. You need to be operating from a strong position to assist those with around you.  As in life, we need to be operating from a position of joy, happiness, content without fear and anxieties in all our relationships around us.A major pillar of life is understanding the perspective of about our ego and our personal and professional relationship.  If comes down to developing a more sensitive awareness of our feelings and what this moment is teaching us. The kicker is ego functions on survival mode and flourishes with words like reacting, scarcity, non-powerful while the opposite is love, connection and abundance. Have you ever had a conversation with your spouse or significant other and notice the language of separation appears? One says "What are WE going to do?" and the other says "I plan on doing this"Whenever there is separation between the two of you and the words "I" and "you", not "WE", are used, it