Me Being Me

E49 Love is MORE Than Words



If this is your first time joining me, Welcome to my journey of Me Being Me.  As we travel on our paths, we all have relationships that may need work. It is in those relationships, where you may not have complete love towards that person, that you have an opportunity to do some work.  It brings up a very important question, What Is Love?  It is more than words.In these relationships I need to work on, the key is to remember is not about them, it is all about you or in my case me. In E50 I will dive in real depth on how I am doing the work on some of those relationships.  It is something that I do every day. EVERY DAY on my journey of Me Being Me.  This is not a quick fix and it is going to take time to repair relationships. Today's podcast is about getting ready to work on those relationships.I am tipping my hat to Byron Katie and The Work. If you have not familiar with her, after you listen to me, go to You Tube.