Me Being Me

E52 I Looked at Porn .... Because it Just Feels Good



Yep! I said it. I have watched porn. I am saying the thing I could never say to the person I could never say it to: You and Me.I was taught so firmly. I was warned so strongly. I was told about the stern judgment. I would never even let the idea of pornography crossed my mind. I just wouldn't, I just couldn't. It literally never even occurred to me to like look at it or indulgent it and enjoy it.Let me take you on a journey as a young man on his mission for his church, using the family computer to discover online imagine and videos, and my relationship with my dad and my wife.Why am I telling you? Hiding and not admitting is not the me that I am. Here is where I am calling my set out and letting go of this secret.  When I say Me Being Me being paid to be me, I am talking about the Me or You who create more value just for being you Us.  Value is not in the Ego. My journey of Me Being Me has been full of discovery and insights. I am Parker --  unapologetically owning the truth of whatever's there.  I have nothi