Me Being Me

E54 What I SEE exists in ME



For those of you who have been on this journey with me, you have heard me say this is the show where everything is made up and the points do not matter.  We can play the game from this new perspective and a new perspective is constantly reinforced because it's extremely powerful, but the way to constantly reinforced this new and powerful perspective is to call the bluff, call bs on the ego and do it every day. Do it every day.How? You say the thing that you couldn't say, you do the thing that you couldn't do. I am here to tell you that you can. I have done it and my clients have done it. Time for you, the Me Being Me Community, to do it as well.To accomplish this is my inner stance. That's my I am. That's where I'm coming from. That is the stance that I've intentionally created and embodied and operated from and operate from. That's in my control, is my total choice. It is where an affirmation may be made out of it.I want to be clear as well that who I am to YOU has nothing to do with me. What I see exists in