Me Being Me

E61 How To Conquer The Resistance Towards Uncomfortable Actions You SAID You’d Take



Ever had that morning when you just could not get out of bed to face the tasks ahead of you?"i" did not want to get up -- not the real me.  I mean the me who I was thinking I was... the me who mis-identifies as himself as his body, his feelings and his thoughts. My body did NOT want to get up! The real me, the "I", wanted to get up, but my body hit snooze at 4:45 am without me even being conscious of it.In these moments where I find myself waking up late, judging myself, regretting the mistake of not getting up when I intended and then procrastinating further by thinking about how big the task was ahead of me, I do not do very well.We know what to do. We know what we ought to do. We know what is required. It is doing the action that puts youHere is another trick the saying “It is just what I do” or “It’s just who I am” does not give you enough strength.  We all have daily disciplines, but have you tried to break it down to smaller chunks? At times breaking it down hour to hour is great, but I am taking about