Write On Radio

1/8/2019 Adrienne Novy, Miss K, & Chavonn Williams Shen



On Tuesday, January 8th, Write On! Radio talks with local poets Adrienne Novy, Miss K, & Chavonn Williams Shen about their recent work and publications. Novy recently published her coming of age journey through poems in Crowd Surfing with God: a story of self-acceptance that discusses growing up with a rare genetic disorder & mental illness. Miss K is an active protest poet who works and attends Hamline University. Novy and Miss K have been featured prominently as performing poets with Button Poetry. If you would like to see their readings along with the best and brightest performance poets of today, you can find their readings on buttonpoetry.com or on The Button Poetry Youtube Channel. Chavon has had her poetry appear in Footnote #4: A Literary Journal of History, A3 Review, and The Coil. Writing has shown Chavonn to use art to explore new worlds, build communities, and advocate for the marginalized. She is currently pursuing her MFA in creative writing at Hamline University, as well.