Robin Wilkins Smith's Audacious Life The Podcast

Episode 38: Success as an Entrepreneur (1 of 4)



Welcome to Episode 38, Success as an Entrepreneur (Part 1 of 4). Today’s podcast is the first in a series of 4 parts highlighting some of the elements of entrepreneurial success. This episode focuses on the following 3 areas you must get right to succeed: Learn your finances. What are all of the costs involved in the make-up of your business? What is your time worth in dollars? Break it down to an hourly basis for comparison. Know your biggest sellers (services or products) and your smallest. Determine what is costing you money and kill it! Focus on 1 project at a time. Set a timer to manage the time you spend on one item. Find an accountability buddy, one who won’t agree with you just for agreement’s sake. You don’t want a yes person. Be a teacher, not a sales person, of your product or service. Who is your product/service for and why do they want it? Which problems does it solve? Teach your customers the value your product or service provides them. Key Points From This Episode Know your finances. What ar