Catechesis With Saint John Paul Ii

Cardinal Virtues - Justice - Catechesis with Pope St John Paul II - Totus2us



St John Paul II, 8 November 1978: "Let us give our attention, today, to men. Christ left us the commandment of love of neighbour. This commandment also contains everything that concerns justice. There can not be love without justice. Love "surpasses" justice, but at the same time it finds its verification in justice. Even a father and a mother, loving their own child, must be just with him. If justice falters, love also is in danger. To be just means to give to each one that which is due to him. This concerns temporal goods, of a material nature. The best example here can be remuneration for work or the so-called right to the fruits of one's own work or of one's own land. However to man is due furthermore his good name, respect, consideration, the reputation that he merits. The more we know a man, the more his personality, his character, his intellect and his heart are revealed to us. And the more we realize — and we must realize! — with which criterion to "measure him" and what it means to be just towards hi