Maniac Mentor

Maniac Mentor Podcast 092: The Best of 2018



2018 was an awesome year! It was full of great wins and great challenges! It was also full of some great episodes with some awesome guests on our podcast. So in this New Years special episode on the very last day of the year, we thought it would be great to narrow down the top 5 episodes we had of 2018. Along with that Jeff and I talk about the challenges we had and lessons we learned in 2018 along with our wins as well as our goals for 2019 and why we are so darn pumped for it! I also share with you the results of one hack I started on Jan 1st 2018 and now, 365 days later, if it really did work! So listen up and get ready to laugh, cry (ok maybe not cry) and get pumped with Jeff and myself as we review The Best of 2018! Want to be on the show in 2019? We are already booked into March, so shoot us an email at Or just send us some love, we like that too!!