Clube De Inglês Podcast

Pt. II / VIAJANDO DE GRAÇA NA ALEMANHA / Ep. do Natural Fluency



Saiba mais sobre o Natural Fluency: Hoje vou continuar a história do episódio anterior, quando viajei na Alemanha mais de 800km pra uma ilha sem gastar nenhum centavo, só pedindo carona! No Episódio de hoje vou te contar como eu fui parar na casa de um traficante de drogas na divisa da Alemanha com a Dinamarca! Aperte o play pra ouvir a história e depois acompanha na leitura da história abaixo: "There was a couple in the car and they invited me to sleep in their house. And of course, I went. But, they told me that they needed to visit a friend first. When we arrived at the friend's house, he told me to wait at the door. The friend came to talk to me. He started asking all these weird questions before letting me in. "Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing here?" After that he let me in. When I entered, I understood the reason for all the questions: the friend was a drug dealer! But he was actually a really good guy! We talked a lot and I