Elyse Y. Robinson - Black Woman In Mexico

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I received confirmation I'm at the right place at the right time. The Transcript 0:09 This is the Keen Ready, com Black woman in Mexico podcast with me, Elyse Robinson, coming to you from Mexico City, Mexico, one of the largest cities in the world. I'm here to dispel the myths and rumors about Mexico and also to tell you how to live a great life abroad, I have been living in Mexico City since November 2016. And I truly do love it here. And just to add a disclaimer, these experiences are mine and mine alone, and I can't speak for anyone else. 0:39 This is episode number 48. And I'm so excited, so grateful, so blessed. So, 0:47 as you know, I run via foreigner calm. And so the reason why I started is because people kept asking me over and over again, like, why did you move abroad? How do you you move abroad, I don't know, the first thing about moving abroad and so be afforded calm was born. And so 1:09 I provide opportunities to move abroad. And if you want to, you know, pursue a little bit further in dep