Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula

Balancing Energy This Holiday Season



The holidays tend to go one of two ways: 1. Working super hard to finish work deadlines, organize parties and holidays, shopping lists, and activities. 2. Living fun and free, with plentiful holiday parties, cocktails, and sugar comas. Both of these situations relate to an imbalance in the second chakra. So this holiday season, let's look at how you can find balance. The benefit of balancing this second chakra energy? You'll finish the holiday season with good energy, no guilt, and some joy. You'll learn the mantras to use for balancing your second chakra, plus practices you can do to help you feel joyful and bright this holiday. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.