Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

090: Using Storytelling to Define Your Message with Jody Maberry



Jody Maberry is a former park ranger who uses the park ranger gifts of storytelling and interpretation to help people collect the right stories and experiences to give clarity to their message.   He is the host of 7 podcasts including The Jody Mabery Show and Creating Disney Magic, a popular radio show that offers lessons in leadership, management, and customer service.  Join me today as we get to know more about him and how he creates everyday magic in the things he does. Describing What He Does  If you asked Jody what he does, you’d probably have to wait for a few seconds for an answer because he says it’s one of the things that he’s always had trouble explaining off the top of his head -- mostly because he’s done so many things that couldn’t probably be any different from one another. [Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]He started as a Financial Analyst for a bank before becoming a Park Ranger. He then  transitioned to a Marketing Consultant before eventually dabbing into podcasting.  Usin