Write On Radio

10/30/2018 Gary Lindberg & Amy Hallberg



Conor talks with Gary Lindberg about his new biography on Elvis Presley titled Letters from Elvis: Shocking Revelations to His Secret Confidante. Letters from Elvis is an explosive revelation of Elvis’s inner life, an exposé of heinous Hollywood crimes that targeted Elvis, a touching tale of friendship, an eerie ghost story, and a series of startling new Elvis mysteries. Because rigorous copyright laws prevent direct publication of the actual letters, the book also tells the story of the author’s thirty-year struggle to bring this new information about Elvis to light. Liz talks with Amy Hallberg about her memoir German Awakening: Tales from an American Life. A small-town teacher's kid, little sister of a genius, Amy Hallberg dreamed of escape by way of a West German exchange in 1987. The resulting friendship with her exchange sister, Eva, awakened a lifelong quest to understand all things German. She soon discovered the most profound lessons were notes to self, delivered not in German, but in her own mother