Worldwideliving - Romanian Language

2009-11-30 worldwideliving Podcast Vol. 11



If Halloween was the warm welcome to fall, then fall was the backdoor to cold, flu and other nasty diseases. Well, there is one "famous" flu around these days - so don't ask what flu we had - we had THE flu... But we did not want to miss out talking a bit more about the topic we began, and actually we wanted to carry on on the project related. So we keep it short this blog entry so that there is more time for learning. The shortcut to reach us is either to leave us some comments – here.... or why not directly on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to this podcast and never miss another lesson. Wenn Halloween das "Herzlich Willkommen" zum Herbst war, dann kamen direkt durch die herbstlichen Hintertüchen alle netten Krankheiten dieser Jahreszeit wie Erkältung oder Grippe. Nun, eine berühmt berüchtigte Grippe ist ja derzeit unterwegs, also fragt gar nicht erst, welche Grippe wir hatten.... wir hatten DIE Grippe. Dennoch wollten wir es nicht verpassen, ein bisschen mehr an dem Thema zu arbeiten, welches