You Made Me Lose My Guy

Episode 10: The Peanut Borg



You Made Me Lose My Guy iss a video game podcast by Rich Cerow & Jim Jenista of humor website Rich is a video game industry professional, but not one with any juicy inside scoop, and Jim is an amateur game designer, and we dig into various game topics every week from all the systems - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, PC, and PSP. Most episodes include a standard what weve been playing and a second segment that usually focuses on whats in the news. But were also children of the 80s with extremely short attention spans, so we end up getting sidetracked for the majority of the shows on various pop cultural ephemera from our childhoods. If talk about Teen Wolf, Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, and ocassionally video games sounds lime your thing, you should check it out and give me a little feedback on whats broken on the show (besides my excruciating speaking voice).