In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Soraya Chemaly – Rage Becomes Her: Transformative Anger



Show #219 | Guest: Soraya Chemaly | Show Summary: Show #219 | October 20, 2018 | Women get told to smile - a lot. Research shows that a neutral expression is perceived on a man's face as neutral, but as angry or negative on a woman. And all kinds of ugly words are reserved for woman who show anger.     Where others see female anger as something to fear or reject, Soraya Chemaly sees strength, even opportunity. With the Women's Media Center Speech Project, and as organizer of the Safety and Free Speech Coalition, she's pushed for wider exposure of women's voices, and worked to curb online abuse. Now, she's encouraging women to embrace their rightful anger. In her new book Rage Becomes Her, Chemaly links patriarchy and misogyny to the traditional repression of women's full range of emotion. She goes beyond simple rejection of "Smile, honey!" to an embrace of anger as a personally and politically transformative tool.     Soraya Chemaly joins Angie Coiro in a prov