Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Body Movement Tips



Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip on Body Movement! Move Your Body! You have got to get up and you've got to get going on a regular basis. If you do not move your body your body will not be moving you... at least not very well... so make the commitment to do some form of exercise three to five days a week no matter what. It is NOT a choice (well, sort of, but choose wisely!) Walk yourself, walk the dog, take a yoga class, take a spin class or go to the gym. I do an hour of cardio at the gym about three times a week and I enjoy it! I like to pass the time away by listening to my favorite Podcasts... like mine... LOL. If I only get to to the gym two times one week, its okay... maybe i'll just do four the next week or at least try and then add a 20-minute at home yoga routine. My favorite is Rodney Yee... back care yoga... been doing it for over 15 years! You've got to do something consistent every single week so just try to do as many body movement sessions as you can for as long as you can. It's going to help yo