Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Motivation Tips



This is a Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip about Motivation So, I hear some of you lose your motivation rather quickly. This is totally understandable, but it is difficult to stay motivated whey you are by yourself. So, I recommend finding a friend, accountability partner or a coach; someone to help motivate you and keep you moving. We all have weight goals and we all have goals in other areas of our lives, right? Staying on track with your motivation is hard 100% of the time. Believe me, we all have those days, me included, but what I like to do is to incorporate something I love with something doesn’t inspire me or that I am not so crazy about. But it is my well-weight duty to get it done, and yours too. For instance, I talk a lot about going to the gym. What gets me there? Well when I get on the elliptical, I listen to some of my favorite podcasts. I have been known to accidentally stay on the elliptical for as much as an hour and a half because I am so into what I was listening to that people would begin t