Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Flip Your Slim Switch ON!



Well-Weight-Wisdom: How to Flip your Slim Switch On! Does the elusive slim switch really exist?  The on and off switch is more about kicking up your ability to burn fat... or slowing it down. There are some things that I do (and you can do too) to turn it on and keep it on!  I exercise 2-4 days per week, drink a vitamin infused protein shake each day, avoid processed foods and keep my alcohol (wine night) consumption to once per week. And, as a bonus, I'd like to mention that I stay away from things that my body doesn't like or is sensitive to by "tuning in" and finding out! There are also some things that I know can turn the "fat burning switch off" and make it more difficult to reach and maintain a healthy body weight.  They also can contribute to health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and cardio-vascular issues.  The main things that I know can flip the fat burning switch off are... 1-Alcohol & Soda ~  2-Refined Sugars ~ 3-Starchy Carbs ~ 4-Sluggish Thyroid To learn more, please watch and rea