

If you are a new listener to this award-winning podcast, welcome! With over 40 years of teaching between us, Reza and Craig will help you improve your English and take it to the next level.Grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation. Reza is 'blowing his own trumpet'! In this episode: The Past Continuous   Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en:  More podcasts to improve your English at:  Listener Feedback: Javier from Burgos This is Javier from Burgos. I am a lecturer of environmental chemistry at the University of Burgos. I would like to congratulate you on your podcasts. I have found them very useful to improve my listening skills. I am quite used to reading and writing in English due to my job (mostly scientific papers writen in an academic and formal style) but my oral and listening skills are not at the same level. The other day, my eldest son got the "Play Station" as a Christmas present. He was playing a game wh