Doing Stuff Daily

DSD-032 Your Past Doesn't Dictate Your Future



3rd installment in a series “20 Habits of Success” Think back to your teenage years. High school… Scary, right? Think of the time you absolutely blew it… Missed the shot. Missed the tackle. Didn’t ask the girl to the dance because you were afraid she’d say no. Got it in your mind… OK, now change it! You can’t. It’s impossible. It’s in the past yet you remember that failure and wish you’d done something different. Past failures have a habit of creeping back into your head and telling you you’ll fail again. Your past doesn’t dictate your future. It will only if you let it. Don’t let it. As I grew up, my father told me I’d never amount to much. He never said it but I cannot remember a single word of encouragement he gave me. Not one. He taught me how to be afraid of everything. I grew up believing I had to be afraid of everything and that belief has robbed me of many opportunities to be and act differently. Not anymore… I still have many fears ingrained into me… hardwired through the first 22+ years of my life.