Startup Grind Columbus

The 15 Year Exit with Andrew Graf, TeamDynamix



Andrew feels that bios written in the third person by the author are strange. I (Andrew) co-founded and successfully exited TeamDynamix after surviving many of the entrepreneurial mistakes you are about to make. My experiences may help you avoid some of them. We drove TeamDynamix to overnight success (15+ years to grow and exit). The path to success was easy often allowing 4 hours of sleep per night. Through it all I have remained a youthful 63 years old as calculated by’s real age calculator (I’m 42). Even with constant computer use I have better than 20/20 vision when wearing bifocals. In all seriousness I believe that success comes through very hard work paired with closely aligning the needs of customers, team members, the market, and the company. I also place extreme value in hiring the most intelligent and well-adjusted team members, not necessarily the most experienced. It’s amazing what happens when you are surrounded by brilliant minds. When you look around your business and you’