Dewey Bertolini's Podcast

Jesus in HD (Part 4) -- Gems from the Genealogy



“Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers” (Matthew 1:2). This seemingly boring and benign statement shockingly reveals in stunning detail the sizable heart of Jesus, and what should be the heart of every one of His followers -- including you and me. How can that be true? Over the years, I have discovered -- much to my delight -- that many of the Bible’s most stunning insights, some of its most tantalizingly life-transforming truths can be found in the most unlikely of places. Case in point: Jesus’ genealogy. There are buried within its laundry list of strange-sounding names jewels to be harvested, gems to excavate, rare and precious stones to uncover. In just about 45 minutes or so, you might just discover -- to your own delight -- that your view of God will never be the same. AND for no extra charge, you'll also discover God's view of you. (Here's a hint: It's pretty cool!) All of this -- if you can believe it -- from Jesus' genealogy. PLEASE NOTE: With some browser
