Maniac Mentor

Maniac Mentor Podcast 081: How To Grow an Audience



In this episode we get to have Ryan Helms from Grit and Hustle back on to fill us in on the success of his Side Hustle Journal as well as his new podcast. He also gives us a “sneak peek” into what he and his partner are working on next since the feedback he received from his Kickstarter campaign. He also talks about the real selfish reason why he started a Podcast and why it is now working so well for him. If your thinking about starting a podcast, this episode has tons of great info for you as well as a suggestion from Ryan as to where he feels podcasts are headed which could give you a huge advantage on your next podcast! Links mentioned in episode: Ryan Helms website How to start a podcast Check out his podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts, search for "Hustle to Freedom" Follow him on Social media: @Gritandhustleco