Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

What It’s Like In The Spirit World After We Die



Episode 7 of Season 8 on Afterlife TV: I’m excited about this episode, because we discuss what it’s like for spirits immediately after their physical death. I talk about the stages of reintegration back into the spiritual dimension from the physical. For instance, I explain what spirits eat, wear, and where they live. But more importantly, I talk about the transitionary phase and why the spiritual realities of time and space don’t allow for it in the way we commonly imagine it. Yet there is lots of evidence of the life review stage, so I explain how all this really works considering spirits are beings of light, which will make perfect sense to you after the show. Later in the show, I play a clip from an interview I did with Anita Moorjani. Anita had a near-death experience and a truly mind-blowing recovery considering she was dying from end-stage cancer. This clip adds a lot of insight into what it’s like as a spirit in the spirit world, which is why I’ve added it. The lessons we gain from this short clip i