Jojo's Bizarre Explainer

S03E40: The Deadliest Roomba



This episode continues our track record of loving Vanilla Ice, but even we have to admit that dude is out of line and terrifying. There continues to be no better description of how Vanilla Ice interacts with his Stand than, "Stand kigurumi". We are forced to discuss Iggy's tail erection. How does Iggy know what Dio sounds like? Is someone in the group amazing at doing voice impressions and we've just never seen it? And Iggy gets the ever-loving shit kicked out of him (literally), and you'd think we'd all be into that, but it's just gross and sad. -- JoJo’s Bizarre Explainer JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! Either you love it, or you've never seen it. But what exactly is JoJo? Why is everyone talking about it? Why is it so great? Whether this is your first foray into Hirohiko Araki's decades-spanning masterpiece, or you're a seasoned JoJo Opinion Haver looking for more of your kind, JoJo's Bizarre Explainer is here for you! Hosted by Elizabeth Simins, Courtney Stanton, and Darius Kazemi, this podcast will tease o