George Digianni Health And Wellness

Emotions Affect Performance



Website: The Association for Applied Sports Psychology work with athletes, coaches, non-sport performers (dancers, musicians), business professionals, and military, firefighters, police). Dr. Kristen Dieffenbach, an executive board member, and Certified Mental Performance Consultant will discuss emotion regulation for athletes and non-athletes and the science behind it. In this episode, we discuss how each emotion has the potential to either help or hinder performance whether you're an athlete or non-athlete in the work-place. Many non-athletes need to use emotional regulation techniques in their every day lives/at work. Those with high-pressure jobs (business professionals), high-risk occupations (firefighters, police, military, etc.) and performers (dancers, musicians) can use emotional regulation to succeed, survive or perfect their craft. How are emotional regulation techniques different for athletes, performers, business professionals, etc.? I ask about how an athlete like