Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

What Spirits Want Regarding Justice For Their Murder



Episode 5 of Season 8 on Afterlife TV: Today I talk about how our spirit leaves our body prior to a traumatic death such as an automobile accident or murder. And our friend, Pam Coronado, provides a fascinating example of how this works by discussing a life-changing dream she had before she became a psychic detective. From there I answer a question about the afterlife related to Pam’s story, which is, Does My Loved One Want Me To Solve His Or Her Crime (Want Justice)? I end this episode talking about following your path in life... recognizing the signs you get that lead you toward your intended calling or possibly a meaningful sideline. You'll understand the connection with today's episode after you hear/watch it. We cover a lot of ground in this show, so I believe it’s extra special. Let me know what you think. The blissful photos in this video were taken by my radiant and brilliant wife, Melissa. I send gratitude to her for those. I also want to thank you for listening, and please send me your comments wh