George Digianni Health And Wellness

Can we really reverse Type 2 Diabetes?



Amy McKenzie, Ph.D., Research Scientist says her team is reversing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes affects 30 million Americans and costs $327 billion annually. It has been, until now, considered chronic and progressive. Heart disease affects 1 in 3 adults and costs nearly $400 billion annually. Virta Health’s website is here: We begin the show by learning some stats on how many American's have Type 2 Diabetes in the US today compared to 20 yrs. ago. And learning the difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes I also get into some real, but sticky points. How many people with Type 2 want to be "healed"? Discussing people who "need" medication for a condition and the mentality of relying on meds giving a false belief of being healthy now that symptoms are managed.   Virta Health claims to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Is this simply through lifestyle change? Some more questions I ask Dr. McKenzie: How is Virta treatment different than others? What is the success rate? What e