Tinder Tales

Coree Spencer "Orgy: Prison Rules" Episode 52



Welcome to Tinder Tales! This is my podcast about the best and worst of Online Dating. Listen to my guest Cinderblock Comedy Festival Founder Coree Spencer as we talk about why you should date people who are better than you, if you want to make anyone interesting try coke, also a great orgy story(Seriously, its the best)! HOLY SHIT! We are on iTunes! Please Rate and Subscribe! Follow Coree on Twitter @CoreeSpencer Follow me at @Piccolomeany and I also run a show called Ambush Comedy every Tuesday at Two Boots Williamsburg 8-8:30pm Everyone gets a free beer, 8:30 pm we start an awesome comedy show. Recently featured in Time Out NYC Also I will be performing at the first Sexting Art Festival on Wednesday April 5th Starting at 5pm. SextingAF.com Use promo code INSIDE to get %20 off! Dating Sites used by Coree OkCupid