Jeremy Bray

Global Geek News Podcast #52



Here are the shownotes for episode #52 for the Global Geek News Podcast: Stories: * Judge: RealNetworks caused its own legal problems * Politicians worldwide start asking questions about ACTA * Prove piracy losses says digital economy bill * BREIN shuts down 393 torrent sites, nobody notices * Microsoft patents DRM'd torrents * Site's terms of service still enforceable even if users don't read them * Court unfriendly to the FCC's internet slap at Comcast * New scanners break child porn laws * Judge: Subway system can't ban violent video game ads * Netflix coming to the Nintendo Wii * DirecTV launching 3 dedicated 3D channels this year * State of the vlogosphere * Android demand up 250%, iPhone down * Why Microsoft killed upgrade versions for Office 2010 Tips of the Week: * Vacuum-seal your electronics for temporary protection * Get free access to pay-walled content with a simple Google hack F