Project Camino

Turn everything into an adventure with Tove Vine



Tove Vine is about to walk her first Camino for charity. Her story is like many who were born in Europe just after The Second World war. Millions of people across Europe were trying to recover from the war and Denmark, who had been occupied by Germany for 5 years, had new challenges to face to rebuild their tiny country. Born number 11 in a family of 13 children and the 7th girl, times were tough. Tove immigrated to Australia in 1969 after falling in love with the man who would become her husband. Fast forward 30 plus years and she has owned small businesses in Newcastle & Townsville, studied to be an accountant, divorced, moved to Brisbane and then sold everything she owned and moved to China at 57 years of age. She now has 14 English Schools under the umbrella of Miss Tove’s English Schools. In her holidays she travels to poor orphanages in places like Tibet, Nepal, Northern India Cambodia and Vietnam to teach English as a volunteer. She has also established a philanthropy project in Nepal helping to ed