Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

Skype Class Vancouver Queenstown-March 19th



Fear of Failure, Doubt, Faith and Confidence in Dharma: On March 19th, 2018, Lama Mark gave requested teachings on Skype with a Dharma Group from British Columbia, Canada. During the talk, Lama Mark answers the following question with great detail. Doubt, lack of faith, and the need for lucid confidence were major themes of the talk—and much more: "Western students seem to share a view that there is a moment of enlightenment, so live with some fear of failure if this doesn't occur. Could Lama Mark speak about misconceptions Westerners might have both with the word enlightenment and also some historical background that describes how it is easier for "easterners" to grasp the concept. Is there a word of phrase which might take the mind off the thought of, or search for enlightenment and lighten the mind stress towards achieving a defined goal?"