Mom Mafia

Episode 8- Eric fills in for Chelsea



Welcome to the Mom Mafia! We are Chelsea- style blogger & mom to Annabelle and Isla, and Loxie - activist & mom to Britton Belle.

Together, we are the Mom Mafia and we welcome you to spend an hour with us- kick back, unwind and maybe have a drink because raising little people is hard and we want to help you make it easier- by giving you the two things we believe new moms need the most Comedy and Community.

Although it seems illogical, bringing a human into the world is a really isolating experience. After having our babies, we realized that perfection is boring and it is so easy to get sucked into a world of "I suck at this!" and "Everyone else makes it look so easy".

Each week our podcast will drop on Sunday at bedtime- because in mom life thats our go time. Its the beginning of a new week, a fresh start, and a blank slate.

And that is why we will start out each episode with our Mom Win/Mom Fail of the week. And although we always aim for a week of wins, there will always be fails. Some routine, some epic.We will also be bringing on guests that are experts or have experiences we think are worth sharing. Because no one has time to read that book- we need the 10 minute cliffs notes.

Please subscribe to the podcast, leave us a review and follow us on Instagram @mommafianation.

xo Chelsea & Loxie