Undefeated Podcast

Curtis Wall Street Carroll: Trapped Physically But Free Mentally



Curtis"Wall Street" Carroll grew up in what can be considered ground zero of the crack epidemic; Oakland, California. His dad was absent for most of his life while his mom was addicted to crack cocaine. Without any guidance, Wall Street got caught up in California's gang life at the young age of 12. That lifestyle led to him going multiple sentences in juvenile detention centers and eventually led him to being sentenced to 54 years to life at the age of 17 for 1st degree murder and armed robbery. Wall Street has spent the last 20 years of his life behind bars with the past 5 being at San Quentin Prison, the toughest prison in the US. Despite his life sentence, his desire to change his circumstances forced him to educate himself and at the same time awakened a conscious he long ago buried under multiple rap sheets as a youth. Wall Street now dedicates his life and spends his time teaching financial literacy to the masses. His Ted Talk has over 2 million views and his F.E.E.L Program ( Financial Empowerment Emo