


Holy crap, we made it! That's right folks, we came, we set up, and we started crazy late, but we finished. Podcast 150 was recorded live from ShapeShifter in Hollywood, CA and it was awesome. Podcast 150 was not much news, but a whole lot-a-laughs (tm), and we had a great time recording it. A very special thank you to Jeff (Nabokovfan87 aka Naboo) for bringing everyone together for an awesome little surprise. It's things this that keep up going when we think we it might be time to pack it up. We joke that we do this for ourselves and no one else, but in reality we do it for all of you guys. And not just the peeps that have been then since podcast 1, but everyone, including the newbies. So sit back, listen in, and try not to think about how many hours you've wasted listening to little ol' Edgar and I. See you at 200...