Fed Up But Hopeful With Lisa Nolan

The End of Fed Up But Hopeful and the Beginning of Two New Biweekly Podcasts!



1. Are you a Bernie Bro who is tired of the Bernie bashers?
2. Did you vote for "Her" and are tired of the Hillary haters?
3. Are you sick of hearing about Trump's tweets, tirades, and diversions?
4. Do you get turned off by f-bombs?
5. Are you fed up but ,some how, you remain hopeful?
Fed Up But Hopeful With Lisa Nolan is the Podcast is for you! (And it's G-rated--no swearing--so it is safe to listen to with kids around.)

Facts about Lisa Nolan: Raised by a single mom in 1970s San Francisco and currently lives in Northern California; registered as an Independent (since the age of 18); mid-life badass; BA and MA in English Literature and Creative Writing; 0 to 9 Montessori educator; mom to a child with Down syndrome; retired editor and publisher; loves wine but drinks tea; political junkie who is addicted to talk radio; and a puppy wimp and gardening freak.

To support Lisa Nolan and her podcast visit http://www.lisanolan.com. To join and become a member visit http://lisanolan.ning.com.