Archangel Metatron Forecast

Ep. 129 "Live Your Vision"



This week your energy is best spent living your vision. One of the key components of manifesting is believing you can achieve it for without belief you have nothing but a wish. As you move through your week imagine your plans working out perfectly, imagine everything lining up just as you desire and unfolding without a hitch. And now allow yourself an infusion of creative visions, letting amazing ideas flow through your veins that lead to unending rewards and recognition for a job well done. Last but not least, picture yourself filled with gratitude for all the blessings that life has to offer, and the goodness that God has bestowed upon you. As you do this daily living your vision will become like a well-oiled machine, automatic and effortless. Remember your Spiritual Team is ever by your side so don't forget to call on them when you need a pick-me-up.