Law Enforcement Academy Podcast

Episode 20: Peel’s Principles (Part 1)



In this episode Thom, Chris, and Jim discuss the classic ideals of Peel's Principles from 1829 and how they apply in 2018.  Don't expect cookie-cutter answers...this is a much more cerebral topic than most.  The guys refer to models such as Community Policing and Problem Solving, the Sara model and Broken Windows Theory. For additional research, books and how they relate to specific principles are mentioned including: Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin and even The Prince by Machiavelli. References Extreme   Ownership: The Prince: Law Enforcement Academy – Law Enforcement Academy on Facebook – Don’t forget to Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, TuneIn Feel Free to Share on Facebook, LinkedIn, all social media