Ryan Hanley: The Podcast

Why We Win (And You Don't)



Is because of a creative culture that won't stop. Culture Tough to pin down. Easy to dismiss. Yet, Culture. As ethereal concept as it may be… is Paramount to victory. Because culture… unlike any other aspect of your business... ...is the psychological manifestation of the soul of your business. You can’t fake it. Culture is honest, candid and true. ...and it all boils down to this. You care… or you don’t. Not that you care about your business… of course you do. But do you care about your people? It’s easy to say you care. It’s easy to put up motivational quotes in the break room. It’s easy to WANT a great company culture. But culture doesn’t happen by accident. Your people judge you on your actions. What do you actually do? Do you live, breathe and execute on the culture your words frame? Your actions… It is your actions that define culture. Want a performance-based culture? Perform. Go do the work and hold yourself accountable to results. You want a creative culture? Be creative. Try stuff. Think different a