Rebel Role Model

Female Founders Faster Forward & CEO, June Manley Fights for the 98% of Non-VC Backed Female Founded Companies in Silicon Valley



June Manley, CEO of Female Founders Faster Forward has built this nonprofit specifically for women entrepreneurs that have experienced what she has, in Silicon Valley... 98% of female founders that tirelessly attempt to raise capital for their companies in Silicon Valley never see a dime. Why you ask? Because most Venture Capitalists still rely on true and tried bias.  June poured her life and entire savings into her company, building the most sophisticated big data enterprise solution in the world. And pitched to every VC she could, but they couldn't believe a woman could handle such a role.  In this episode, we learn of June's relentless mission to shatter this barrier, and her inspiring optimism to forge ahead and lead this new era of female founders. We’re thrilled to feature June as our FINAL #certifiedrebel within our “Rebel Female Empowerment Limited Series” shining a bright light on a few rebels for National Women’s Month. Bridge the VC Funded Gap: Twitter @F4Capital _______